Greetings, folks!
As you can tell by the pretty pink banner at the top of the forums, the time has come for Delaware Open Carry's annual fundraiser.
"But Rob, why are you asking for money on an otherwise free website?" That's a great question! After our first two years of operation, Delaware Open Carry had become so wildly popular and active that our remote host regularly got overwhelmed. That, combined with the general latency and downtime issues made using the site difficult.
So, in 2009, I leased a server. It's a machine over which I have complete administrative control and I'm free to tweak and modify for performance to my heart's content. So, there's the annual lease on that system, the domain name registrations, as well as any other incidentals we may need in terms of additional disk space, memory or bandwidth allotment. I think we can all agree that it's worked out fabulously!
I stand here with hat in hand asking you... if you've enjoy using this site, the community, the fact that we're the only grassroots open carry community in Delaware, please give what you can to support the site. We do this once a year and we ask for it voluntarily so we can keep Delaware Open Carry a free resource.
I hope you'll help support us!
Click Here to Donate
As you can tell by the pretty pink banner at the top of the forums, the time has come for Delaware Open Carry's annual fundraiser.
"But Rob, why are you asking for money on an otherwise free website?" That's a great question! After our first two years of operation, Delaware Open Carry had become so wildly popular and active that our remote host regularly got overwhelmed. That, combined with the general latency and downtime issues made using the site difficult.
So, in 2009, I leased a server. It's a machine over which I have complete administrative control and I'm free to tweak and modify for performance to my heart's content. So, there's the annual lease on that system, the domain name registrations, as well as any other incidentals we may need in terms of additional disk space, memory or bandwidth allotment. I think we can all agree that it's worked out fabulously!
I stand here with hat in hand asking you... if you've enjoy using this site, the community, the fact that we're the only grassroots open carry community in Delaware, please give what you can to support the site. We do this once a year and we ask for it voluntarily so we can keep Delaware Open Carry a free resource.
I hope you'll help support us!
Click Here to Donate
Delaware Open Carry, Founder
Notary Public

Delaware Open Carry, Founder
Notary Public